Important Legal Tasks Divorce Attorneys Handle For Their Clients

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Important Legal Tasks Divorce Attorneys Handle For Their Clients

21 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

The legal process of ending your marriage can be more complex and demanding than you previously imagined. You might have envisioned simply filing for divorce and waiting for the judge to issue a decree. You may not have taken into consideration matters like dividing up debts and assets and changing your last name. 

Instead of trying to navigate this challenging process alone, you can retain someone to assist you with it. You may benefit from relying on the counsel and readiness of one of the experienced divorce attorneys in your area.

Filing Your Case Promptly

When you decide to end your marriage, you may not want to waste time and wait for years for the process to be finished. You want to get the proverbial ball rolling quickly so you can cut ties with your spouse.

When you retain one of the divorce attorneys where you live, you can get your case filed immediately after paying your lawyer's retainer. Your lawyer can get your case filed in a matter of days. You avoid having to wait months or longer for any legal action to be taken on your behalf in the case.

Petitioning for Your Maiden Name Restoration

Divorce attorneys can also include petitions to reinstate their clients' maiden names in the divorce decrees they file. After your marriage is ended, you may want to retain your married name. You might prefer to resume using your maiden name.

However, you cannot legally use your maiden name until the judge assigned to your case issues his or her decree and reinstates it. Your lawyer can ask the judge to include the reinstatement of your maiden name in the divorce decree so you can stop using your married name after you are officially divorced.

Division of Assets and Debts

Finally, when you retain one of the local divorce attorneys, you can request the marital debts and assets be divided up fairly. You may not want to take on debts that your spouse brought into the marriage. Likewise, you may want to retain ownership of assets you brought with you when you got married. Your lawyer can advocate for your best interests in how the debts and assets are divided between you and your spouse.

Divorce attorneys provide important legal services for clients. They can file your petition quickly and ask the judge to reinstate your maiden name if you prefer. They can also ensure marital debts and assets are divided up fairly.