3 Vital Things A Battery Lawyer Will Help You Handle

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Do you remember the last time you were faced with charges that you didn't understand? I started thinking more seriously about the different criminal charges a few months ago, and I was really surprised to see how many different factors affected the outcomes. After reading up on a range of charges, it became apparent very quickly that I was faced with a wide range of different issues, including different state statutes. This website is all about creating more transparency when it comes to criminal attorneys. Check out this blog for more information that could help you in a time of need.


3 Vital Things A Battery Lawyer Will Help You Handle

29 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Dealing with an assault case can be complicated, especially if you're not familiar with the laws surrounding it. They involve lots of legal language and concepts, which you may find difficult to understand. Fortunately, a battery lawyer can help you navigate the legal system and get the best outcome for your case. Here are three vital things these lawyers will help you handle.

Ensuring Your Rights Are Upheld

If you're accused of assault charges, the prosecutors and the police may intimidate you into pleading guilty or making a deal with them. Although it's their duty to investigate the case, they should follow the legal procedures and respect your rights as a defendant.

A battery lawyer will ensure that you're not harassed, and your rights are upheld. They'll explain your rights and help you understand the proceedings of a trial and your options. They'll also tell you which things to say or avoid during a trial to help your case. This will let you know how you're expected to behave during the case. In addition, they'll ensure you're not victimized by the system in any way and stand with you throughout the proceedings.

Negotiating for a Lesser Sentence

The sentence of an assault case can vary depending on its circumstances. If it's not severe, its sentence can be reduced to community service or just probation. But if it's aggravated and there was harm done to the victim, you may face several months or years in prison.

A battery lawyer can negotiate for a lesser sentence to avoid having you serve time in prison or pay hefty fines. They'll prove to the court that you're remorseful and can contribute positively to society. They can also negotiate with the district attorney's office to lessen your sentence or even dismiss it entirely in exchange for compensation to the victim. This will enable you to avoid the consequences of a legal conviction and have your record expunged. A lawyer can also help you file for an appeal and provide legal guidance and strategy if you're not happy with your sentence.

Getting Bail

If you get arrested for assault, you'll be taken to a local jail, and your bail will need to be determined. An assault lawyer will fight for you to get bail, so you aren't stranded in jail until your court date rolls around. Your attorney may also ask for a bond hearing to enable you to come home after you make bail. They understand the procedures of getting out on bond and can help you through the process.

Assault lawyers can handle several things for you. Working with them will ensure that you are not making a mistake that can land you in jail. They will also help you understand your rights and fight for them until you get justice. For more information, contact a local law firm, like Epstein & Robbins.