When A Deal Is On The Table: DUI Charges And Plea Bargains

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Do you remember the last time you were faced with charges that you didn't understand? I started thinking more seriously about the different criminal charges a few months ago, and I was really surprised to see how many different factors affected the outcomes. After reading up on a range of charges, it became apparent very quickly that I was faced with a wide range of different issues, including different state statutes. This website is all about creating more transparency when it comes to criminal attorneys. Check out this blog for more information that could help you in a time of need.


When A Deal Is On The Table: DUI Charges And Plea Bargains

21 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Almost all of those arrested are offered plea bargains, and that includes those with driving under the influence (DUI) arrests. A plea bargain may make things easier or it might not be beneficial and the advice of an experienced DUI lawyer is vital to knowing the difference. To find out more about DUI plea bargains, read on.

Making the Bargain

In some cases, the prosecution offers a plea bargain soon after an arrest, but it may come at any time before the trial begins. A plea bargain is not always such a bargain for defendants, unfortunately. When you agree to a plea bargain, you are giving up your right to a trial. The trial is skipped and you plead guilty (or no contest, in some cases) to a charge. It might not be the original charge, however. For example, if you were originally charged with DUI, the plea bargain could typically be "pled" down to a reckless driving offense. Plea bargains can also mean pleading guilty as charged but with a somewhat lower level of punishment. For example, rather than jail time, you might be sentenced to probation, the placement of an ignition interlock device, and fines.

Problems With Plea Bargains

Often, the plea bargain benefits the prosecution more than the accused. When a defendant foregoes a trial, it saves the state money while still gaining a sure and easy guilty plea for prosecutors who keep a close eye on the statistics. Plea bargains are designed to keep jail and prison overcrowding down, with some pleas rewarding a defendant for "time served." Be sure you understand what you are dealing with and know about any expiration dates on plea bargains. Follow your lawyer's advice and keep in mind that some states have mandatory DUI sentencing guidelines. If so, a plea bargain should include dropping those DUI charges for something less serious.

How to Make a Decision About Your Plea Bargain

While your criminal defense attorney can give you plenty of advice, in the end, the plea bargain decision is up to you. A lot depends on the exact circumstances of your arrest. For example, if the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) result is higher, the chances of a good plea bargain deal are lower. It can also depend on the judge and the prosecution, and some places make it a point to be tough on DUI offenders. Finally, it can depend on your lawyer's reputation. If your defense attorney is known to be good at winning cases, your plea bargain might be a lot more favorable to you.

Don't even consider a plea bargain without professional legal help. Speak to a DUI defense lawyer about your case today. Visit a website like https://dlplawyers.com/ to learn more.