How To Get Your DUI Charges Reduced Or Dropped

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Understanding Criminal Charges

Do you remember the last time you were faced with charges that you didn't understand? I started thinking more seriously about the different criminal charges a few months ago, and I was really surprised to see how many different factors affected the outcomes. After reading up on a range of charges, it became apparent very quickly that I was faced with a wide range of different issues, including different state statutes. This website is all about creating more transparency when it comes to criminal attorneys. Check out this blog for more information that could help you in a time of need.


How To Get Your DUI Charges Reduced Or Dropped

9 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

An arrest doesn't always equal a conviction. When it comes to driving under the influence (DUI) cases, the way you attack the evidence will influence the outcome of your case in a real way. To find out more about mounting a vigorous defense for a charge of which you are innocent, read on.

Seek Professional Help

Most defendants are ill-equipped to deal with the legal ramifications of a DUI arrest and defense. As soon as you are released on bail, locate the best DUI lawyer from a criminal defense firm (such as Adams & Associates PLC) that you can find. You can be honest with your attorney because the more they know the better able they are to defend you on the charges. Being convicted of DUI brings life-changing punishments and you must never minimize the potential impact. Some of those punishments include:

  • Driver's license suspended.
  • Jail time.
  • Probation.
  • Classes and court-ordered counseling and rehabilitation.
  • Financial losses including fines, fees, and legal fees.

Reviewing the Evidence

A DUI case is nothing without evidence and the state will need to show several different types of evidence in order to convict you of DUI. Your defense attorney will review the entire incident from the traffic stop to the field sobriety testing to the arrest and look for instances of non-compliance with the law by law enforcement personnel. The following forms of evidence will be reviewed:

  1. The officer's dash-cam footage as well as body-cam footage from the scene of the stop and arrest.
  2. The arrest report, which summarizes the reason for the stop, reasonable cause for field sobriety testing, and more.
  3. The results of the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test.

When the Evidence is Questionable

If any of the above can be challenged, you have every chance of having your charges reduced or dropped. With most court cases being resolved using a plea bargain, the bargain you are presented is also influenced by the quality of the evidence. That means your attorney will scrutinize the available information and determine the following:

  1. Were you pulled over for a legal reason?
  2. Did the officer have reasonable cause for suspecting inebriation?
  3. Was the officer certified and qualified for performing the field sobriety testing?
  4. Did you have any physical or neurological reasons for being unable to perform the sobriety testing properly?
  5. Was the arrest legal in that you were properly read your Miranda rights?

The above issues are just skimming the surface of the defense strategies utilized by competent defense attorneys. An arrest does not have to turn into a conviction for DUI. Speak to an attorney as soon as possible.