When To Hire A Criminal Lawyer

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Understanding Criminal Charges

Do you remember the last time you were faced with charges that you didn't understand? I started thinking more seriously about the different criminal charges a few months ago, and I was really surprised to see how many different factors affected the outcomes. After reading up on a range of charges, it became apparent very quickly that I was faced with a wide range of different issues, including different state statutes. This website is all about creating more transparency when it comes to criminal attorneys. Check out this blog for more information that could help you in a time of need.


When To Hire A Criminal Lawyer

28 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you are getting a divorce, you know that you should hire a divorce attorney. And, if you get in a car accident, you know that you should hire a personal injury attorney. However, when might you need to hire a criminal defense attorney? This article will take a closer look. Are you ready to learn a little bit more? If so, read on. 


If you were recently caught driving under the influence of alcohol, then you may need to hire a criminal law professional. Why? Because when you get arrested with a charge like driving under the influence, you can have your license taken away and you may also have to serve some time. When you hire a criminal law professional, they will take a closer look at whether or not you did in fact drive above the legal drinking limit and they will try to help get you a lesser charge. For instance rather than having to serve some jail time, they may recommend that you do community service instead. 

Possession of Drugs

If you were recently arrested and caught with possession of drugs, then you may be facing all sorts of criminal charges. For instance, if you are caught with over a certain amount, they won't only charge you with possession but with intent to distribute. Depending on the state that you live in, you may be facing several years if you are charged with these crimes. Luckily, when you hire a criminal law professional, they will work to ensure that you get the lesser charges. If you were caught with drugs but they aren't yours, then your attorney will try to show that the drugs weren't yours, but that they were someone else's instead. 

Domestic Violence

Another reason why you may need the help of criminal law professional is if you get charged with a domestic violence charge. For instance, if you have an ex that has filed charges against you, then you will need someone to represent you in court. Your attorney will advocate for you no matter what you did or didn't do. 

It is your legal right to have representation even if you are guilty of a crime. If you have recently found yourself in some legal trouble, don't go at it alone. When you hire a criminal lawyer, you have a better chance of getting lesser charges and being taken more seriously in front of a judge. 

Speak to a local criminal lawyer or click here for more information.