Surrendering Child Custody Rights: What You Need To Know

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Surrendering Child Custody Rights: What You Need To Know

15 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

It is okay to admit that you are not cut out to be a parent. Some parents after a divorce realize that they just are not cut out to be parents. It is a very hard thing to admit, since most people who wanted children do not want to admit that parenting just is not for them. If you are being quite honest with yourself, and you are in this position, you can surrender child custody rights with the help of a child custody lawyer. Before you do, here are a few things you should know first.

Giving up Custody Placement Now Means a Lot of Changes

If you give up your custody placement arrangement, a lot of changes are about to happen. You will be the non-custodial parent paying child support. It also means that your children will not live with you, but they may come to spend the night from time to time. You can still see your children, but it will only be at your own discretion and when your ex agrees.

It also means a lot of changes for the kids, who have probably been spending a lot of time with you or living with you part of the time. Before you proceed with this decision, make sure you sit down with your kids and let them know that there will be some changes, that you still love them, but that you think they will be better off living with the other parent. Let them know that you will still see each other, just not as frequently as you do now.

You Are Not Surrendering Parental Rights

Surrendering your custody rights does not mean you are surrendering your parental rights. You maintain parental rights until a court removes them from you or you are forced to give them up. Your lawyer will make this perfectly clear to both the judge and your ex so that there are no misunderstandings.

You May Not Be Able to Get Partial Custody Again

The biggest issue with surrendering your custodial rights as a parent is that you may not be able to get them back. The court has heard your case on why you no longer want to be a custodial parent, and that will remain on file indefinitely. However, most parents in the same position, realizing that they do not want or cannot handle the job of parenting, are not really concerned with regaining partial custody of their kids later on.

Contact an attorney, like Patricia L Riddick PLLC Atty, for more help.